22 Aug 2017

Saving the World - by fixing the economy - all 800 pages of my Blog!

I started my blog on the Economy in October 2010. Since then I have generated a total of 576 posts, corresponding to over 380 thousand words and over 2.1 million characters. The blog has been visited more than  441 thousand times.

That's a lot of stuff to read.

Just in case there is someone out there who would like to read all my output at their leisure, and maybe read it using a reader program rather than on the web, I have used BlogBooker to generate a Word file, that I then edited to produce a monster pdf file with over 800 pages. It's actually quite a good way to read the stuff, because all the links work, and you can use the index at the front to navigate. You can also easily search the text for keywords etc.

You can download the file, called "SavingTheWorld-2000-2017" by clicking on this link.


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